From the desk of Sarika, CEO Dancercise Studio
People think dance is about expression...about style...about feeling good...i would say dance is about all of the above and more...
to me dance is the reason i exist...reason which makes me want to wake up every morning and run to the studio so I can be in the same room as dancers, non dancers who want to be dancers...toddlers who think dance class is their playtime (just more fun)...little kids who want to dance on their favourite song and feel happy looking in the mirror...thats all...they dont care who thinks what.... adults who want to dance and fall in love...all over again...with dance... with someone....with themselves....
to me dance is that world in which i can go into and forget my disappointments....its a world that doesnt judge me...whether i am a good dancer or bad...its a world that accepts me for who i am....
have you ever seen a kid jump in puddles in the rain...does any body judge the kid whether he is in rhythm...whether he has perfect expressions....that to me is what dance is all let go... and be happy
What is dance to you?